Map of Love
Taking a stand by placing a pin
Just this
Dropping into this moment.
Nothing to achieve. You are already whole.
How is it in your mind right now?
And how is it in your heart?
What is the size of your heart in this moment?
How is it in your body?
And who is feeling and thinking this?
Welcoming whatever arises.
Just this. Just this.
Just this.

Between March 25th and June 26th 2020 Jon Kabat-Zinn (founder of MBSR - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) held daily live meditation sessions to support people all over the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sessions were offered by Soren Gordhamer (founder of Wisdom 2.0) and supported by John Bashew.
Each session was joined live by 1000 participants via Zoom and thousands were following via YouTube.
The recordings are available on YouTube.
All this was given out of love.
The sessions opened a space to connect in a very compassionate and "heartful" way within the global community - no matter where people called and came from. The community connected in a profound way.
During this period Jon's 76th birthday was on June 5th. While we (Peri and Thomas) were thinking about a birthday gift for him, Thomas had the idea of creating a map that could allow participants to place a pin and by doing this represent their connection to this global mindfulness community. Furthermore this pin could be combined with a birthday message for Jon and illustrate the global reach of the sangha. In the dialogue part of the retreat Jon was always interested in the location from where people called in and related to that. Peri came up with the name "Map of Love" as there was so much love unfolding within the community, not in a romantic way, but as a deep and compassionate interconnectedness full of wisdom.
The Map of Love allows people who feel connected with the community to place a virtual pin on an online map and through this take a stand in their own way to represent the spirit shared by Jon and amongst the community.
It is a gift for both him and the community.
What started as a 13-week-retreat built uncountable connections between participants, started individual transformations and keeps unfolding moment by moment.
Our intent with this website and the Map of Love is to offer a space for this growing global community to develop and keep up a regular mindfulness practice - both formal and informal. We provide access to the Map of Love, share resources related to the retreat, allow people to connect via our Slack workspace and get informed about community events.
May this be an anchor and a reminder that our true refuge is in the heart.

The Map of Love

The picture above gives an impression of the Map of Love. For live view or placing your virtual pin,
please request your access in the form below.
If you already have access, you get to the interactive live map following the button below:


Join our Slack platform
Develop, keep up and deepen your own regular mindfulness practice, feel the interconnectedness within the loving community, meditate together, stay in touch with each other and build new connections.
Almost every day we offer sitting meditations, mainly Mindfulness of Breathing. In addition there are guided core meditations of the MBSR program on Mondays, such as Body-Scan Meditation, Mindful Yoga, Walking Meditation and Sitting Meditation including focusing on the breath, body, sounds, thoughts/feelings and choiceless awareness.

Community Concerts
Come together for a delightful composition of music and mindfulness. Sit in the first row of our Zoom concerts and be in contact with the musicians.
Find upcoming concerts and recordings of previous concerts.
with various artists and
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Daily Map of Love Meditation
- Sitting for Inner and Outer Peace -
We come together every day on Zoom at 4 pm EDT
Joined us Jun 8, 2 pm EDT:
Jon Kabat-Zinn:
One-Year Anniversary Session
of the Mitigation Retreat
Thursday, Mar 18, 2021
Watch the recording
Readings for Inner and Outer Peace:
Saturdays, 4 pm EDT
- Thích Nhất Hạnh -
Mindful Cooking
View previous sessions:
Mushroom Risotto, Baked Breaded Eggplant, Dhal, Pasta Ponderings

Contact us
Join us on Slack
If you have already registered click here to enter.
Not registered yet? Send us an
email to start your registration process.
Here we want to express our deep gratitude for Capucine, Isabelle and Karan,
who supported us initially,
and for our dear friend Mariana,
who is always here for us.
Much love to all of you,
Peri & Thomas