Map of Love
Taking a stand by placing a pin

Join our Slack platform
Develop, keep up and deepen your own regular mindfulness practice, feel the interconnectedness within the loving community, meditate together, stay in touch with each other and build new connections.
Almost every day we offer sitting meditations, mainly Mindfulness of Breathing. In addition there are guided core meditations of the MBSR program on Mondays, such as Body-Scan Meditation, Mindful Yoga, Walking Meditation and Sitting Meditation including focusing on the breath, body, sounds, thoughts/feelings and choiceless awareness.

Community Concerts
Come together for a delightful composition of music and mindfulness. Sit in the first row of our Zoom concerts and be in contact with the musicians.
Find upcoming concerts and recordings of previous concerts.
with various artists and
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Daily Map of Love Meditation
- Sitting for Inner and Outer Peace -
We come together every day on Zoom at 4 pm EDT
Joined us Jun 8, 2 pm EDT:
Jon Kabat-Zinn:
One-Year Anniversary Session
of the Mitigation Retreat
Thursday, Mar 18, 2021
Watch the recording
Readings for Inner and Outer Peace:
Saturdays, 4 pm EDT
- Thích Nhất Hạnh -
Mindful Cooking
View previous sessions:
Mushroom Risotto, Baked Breaded Eggplant, Dhal, Pasta Ponderings